About Me

I practise Tai Chi because I enjoy how I feel about myself when I do. I like the company of people who share the practice, and I am looking for something – I am not sure what – which I sense I am getting closer to as the years go by. I was introduced to Tai Chi by accident , and learned about the Ecole de la Voie Interieure a few years later in the same way.
I have been teaching students in London since 2004. I teach groups and individuals, and each lesson is an opportunity for me to learn something new about my practice. I am immensely grateful to each of my students for the effort they put in for themselves and what they teach me in return.

You can contact me on 07813 399 929

Aha. 2 years after creating this website and I realise I have a discussion forum available to me that I have hidden under “Public Resources / Meditation Breathing”….

One difficulty about teaching or practising Tai Chi is the fact that it DOES take so much time, when so many people want quick fixes and won’t take the time to be and to feel. Opening minds as well as bodies, that is the trick. Releasing something – in the mind and the body – using a concentration that fully engages the mind and the body, so that time appears to pass quickly as we explore the tension in the back of our knee or the tendency of our hip to drop on one side. Noticing the flow of our thoughts. Following our breath – every last particle of breath as it slows almost to a standstill – before starting up again. Allowing the explorative quality of repetition to take one through a 60 minute lesson where perhaps only two new elements are introduced. And coming away from the class feeling better than when one went in, that is important.