Why Art of Chi


Vlady used to say “Cessez le bla bla bla”. How Tai Chi works is less important than the fact that it does. So come and practice.

Tai Chi is a unique internal exercise that cultivates our ability (mental, physical and emotional) to work and to relax . It improves health and well-being by loosening and removing blockages that restrict the flow of inner energy (Chi) within the body. It conditions the whole body (muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs, tissues) by balancing tension and softness.
We use our existing awareness to develop a deeper awareness; becoming aware of moving parts of our (external) body allows us to become aware of movements within our body; this allows us to refine our awareness of ourself.

Winter Practice

Winter Practice

Vlady Stevanovitch founded the Inner Way School in 1988 after being introduced to traditional oriental energetic techniques of Tai Chi and Chi Kung and continued his research for over sixty years. He perfected a clear, step-by-step teaching method for accessing the reality of Chi. Training centres are located in France (Provence), Portugal (Algarve) and Canada (Quebec).

The essence of our work is to move the body gently, staying within our comfort zone at all times to develop an inner awareness – a form of meditation through movement, of movement through meditation – that is beneficial to those who want to explore or deepen their appreciation of energetic techniques.

So our experience of the centre of energy (Tantien) and inner energy (Chi) becomes real – not a mental image – similar to the experience of touching our nose with a finger.
And we become more able to influence the natural conditioning work of our own Chi.
Practices to make our experience of the Tantien a physical reality are introduced in the first lesson and are refined in subsequent classes.
We incorporate this energy work into the health exercises (Chi Kung) and the Form.